Amir Makhshari [CV]
SALT Lab | ECE Department | University of British Columbia (UBC)

Kaiser 3040
2332 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC, Canada
V6T 1Z4
I’m a recent MASc. graduate from the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) department at UBC. I’ve been a graduate Software Engineering (SE) Researcher at the Software Analysis and Testing (SALT) Lab, advised by Ali Mesbah from 2019. Previously, I’ve been an undergraduate SE reseacher under the supervision of Ahmad Barforoush. Also, I’ve been a Software Engineering Teaching Assistant at UBC CS Department for various courses such as Advanced Software Engineering, Software Engineering Projects, and Software Engineering Applied Industry Skills.
Software Development: I have ~2.5 years of Software Engineering experience as a full-stack/backend developer. I’m expert in Java, proficient with Javascript, and I have experience with C, PHP (Laravel), Python, Swift, Groovy, and Bash. I also have experience in front-end development with HTML/CSS, React, and React Native. I’m interested in developing backend services that can reliably scale and perform well under stress. I have a passion for designing decoupled extensible and scalable cloud-based backend services. I’m interested in utilizing message queuing techniques to improve backend scalability (RabitMQ), abstracting microservices for better decoupling of backend services (MuleSoft), using database caching techniques for faster data processing (Redis), and improving backend development productivity by developing robust internal error management, and event logging, and following coding conventions.
Software Engineering Research: My overall research goal is to characterize developers’ challenges, help them build bug-free and robust systems, and use Machine Learning to make their development more efficient. I’m interested in the analysis and characterization of Bugs in complex, cloud-based, and distributed systems such as IoT, and developing ML-based techniques to detect bugs. My research interests are Empirical Software Engineering, Software Analysis, Mining Software Repositories (MSR), and Applying Machine Learning on Source Code (ML4Code).
Recent Publication
- ICSEIoT bugs and development challengesIn 2021 IEEE/ACM 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) 2021
Education MASc. in Software Engineering - @UBC
BASc. in Computer Engineering @AUT2014-2019
Honors and AwardsVice-President of Social Relations- ECE Graduate Student Society at UBC2021
UBC Graduate Fellowship2019 & 2020
Top 0.5% in M.Sc. National University Entrance Exam- IT2018
Top 1% in M.Sc. National University Entrance Exam- CE2018
Top 0.5% in BASc. National University Entrance Exam- Math & Eng.2014
Top 0.5% in BASc. National University Entrance Exam- Foreign Lang.2014